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Our story

As seasoned industry professionals with extensive experience, we understand the unique challenges that small and medium-sized hotels encounter when it comes to room pricing. We have witnessed firsthand the difficulties they face in accessing personalized solutions, often resulting in missed revenue opportunities due to ineffective pricing practices.

That is why we assembled a team of developers and business consultants dedicated to creating accessible solutions specifically for small and medium-sized hotels.
Our goal is to empower you with effective tools and strategies that will help you optimize your
pricing and maximize your revenue potential.

Buzás Dávid RoomRaiser
Lenky Tamás RoomRaiser

David Buzas

Managing Partner, Co-founder

After 10 years of experience in hotel sales and revenue management, I dedicated nearly the same amount of time to leading and operating IT and startup projects. In recent years, I have returned to the field of hotel revenue management, devoting my full time to research-
ing and developing RM strategies and systems.

Tamas Lenky

Lead Industry Expert, Co-founder

With 25 years of industry experience, I have gained practical expertise in all areas of hotel sales. Over the past 15 years, as a leader in a major city hotel, I have had the opportunity to test and implement numerous digital hotel solutions, including several revenue manage-
ment software tools, into daily operations.

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